Personalizing your Galaxy Flip 4.




Me, Adhiraj, Vaishali, Saumya, Shadmani


Canon Camera, Ring Lights, Figma, Miro, Qualtrics


4 Months

My team and I reimagined micro-interactions on the cover screen to create a more personalized experience for Gen Z users. 75% of our design suggestions have been implemented and released in subsequent Flip phones.



Research Questions

How discoverable are the personalization features - what are the cues and workarounds?

How usable are these features after initial discovery - is there recall, is it intuitive?

What do people like the most from the discovered features - how does it fit in their life, is it necessary?

Task Protocols

  1. Explore the cover screen and add 3 widgets of your choice
  2. Take a selfie of yourself using the cover screen camera
  3. Find the preview camera feature while taking a picture through the rear camera.
  4. Customize the wallpaper however you want to, and how you would ideally use it.
  5. Post-Task Questionnaire (2 questions): Utilized the After-Scenario Questionnaire (ASQ) to gauge satisfaction with task completion ease and time taken.
  6. Post Study Questionnaire: We used the Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of Use (USE) Questionnaire to measure the usefulness and value of the product. the time it took to complete the task through 7 questions.

Test Setup

Gathering participants through google forms screener.

100% of our participants were Gen Z students aged 18 to 25 from the University of Washington. We reached out to them through various channels, including Slack. Participants included a mix of phone users. They were all available only on a Monday so it was difficult scheduling the tests!

We conducted three pilots, all of which initially failed. We allowed users time to get accustomed to and explore the novel technology, ensuring that we avoided using UX jargon.





Poor camera experience


6 on 8 users did not know what gestures enabled them to take a photo.

Lack of Instructive micro-interactions to discover features


4 of 8 users did not get any confirmation for if the widget was added

Limited flexbility in wallpaper customization


3 of 8 did not want to open their phone to customize their widgets.

Lack of Instructive Micro-Interactions to Help Discover Unique Features of the Phone:

7 out of 8 could not unlock the screen. Avg of 9 minutes to boot the cover screen. Adding instructive gestures for at least the first 5000 users to help familiarize themselves with the unique navigation.

Lack of Instructive Micro-Interactions to Help Discover Unique Features of the Phone:

11 misclicks. 70% users expected camera to be in widget menu. Adding the camera icon as a widget on cover screen so users do not have to struggle to find it by pressing the power button twice.

Lack of Instructive Micro-Interactions to Help Discover Unique Features of the Phone:

3 out of 8 users did not want to open their phone to customize. We suggest Samsung educate and inform the community about the extensibility of their customization options by engaging with content creators to create hauls, unboxing videos, wallpaper decoration tutorials, etc.



Anna Chu, Samsung Mentor

The team excelled in communicating the product gaps. We progressed by reviewing them at HQ and implementing 75% of the suggestions provided.

My Thoughts

When the current protocol doesn’t work, pivoting not only leads to the best solution but also informs the company of what not to do.

Conducting interviews can be exhausting; it's crucial to stay hydrated, build social energy, and destress to effectively gather data.

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